Cryotherapy at VIVAMAYR

Cryotherapy is offered as part of the VIVAMAYR cure to patients at our Maria Wörth and Altaussee medical health resorts. The cold chamber complements a holistic range of therapies offered by the two health clinics and blends seamlessly into a successful Mayr cure. It is predominantly used to treat pain and skin disorders.

“Cold therapy triggers complex reactions in our organism and its efficacy has been scientifically proven many times,” explains Dr. Maximilian Schubert, Medical Director at VIVAMAYR Altaussee. This new therapy has major advantages for Modern Mayr Medicine: “Our cold chamber treatments multiply the effects of the Mayr regimen by activating the body’s anti-inflammatory processes.”

A cold chamber treatment takes place at -110° C and lasts between 2 to 4 minutes. It delivers positive, long-term relief for chronic inflammatory joint and spine diseases, and for chronic inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

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