The VIVAMAYR Health Concept

With our unique health concept fully tailored to suit your individual needs, VIVAMAYR helps you find your way to long-term health and a new quality of life. Your journey on the path to a new lease on life begins directly on the shores of the picturesque Wörthersee lake at VIVAMAYR Medical Health Resort Maria Wörth. This is where you’ll find peace and recharge your batteries, with daily medical supervision designed to support the process of cleansing and renewal. At VIVAMAYR, experience the combination of traditional diagnostics and therapy according to Dr. F. X. Mayr and modern complementary medicine.

to VIVAMAYR Health Concept


Our Medical Programs

At VIVAMAYR, everything is designed to help you reach your personal health goal. With our medical programs, we create the foundation – both physically and mentally – for increasing your quality of life. Medical competence and our holistic approach make it possible to treat a range of different conditions. Throughout the therapy process, you will have daily talks with one of our doctors in order to fine-tune your program and help you reach your targets in the best possible way.


The VIVAMAYR Locations

Our facility is located in Austria at a very special place that supports you in achieving your goals. Here, surrounded by the stunning lake Wörthersee and a richly diverse landscape, you can’t help but find tranquility and inspiration. This is where your VIVAMAYR Health Journey begins. In order to maintain your progress, our team of doctors and therapists will continue to support you even after your stay. We are there for you at our Medical Health Resort Maria Wörth and our London Day Clinic.

Medical Health Resort Maria Wörth, Austria

Medical Health Resort Maria Wörth, Austria

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London Day Clinic

London Day Clinic

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Mon Müllerschön - Art consultant at Burda Publishing, Art Columnist Bunte,

"The therapies, nutrition and magic of this location have an incredibly purifying power."

Mon Müllerschön, Art Consultant at Burda Publishing, Art Columnist Bunte, Founder MM Artmanagement

"We had such a great time in their tranquil environment and loved their excellent medical staff and recommended treatments."

Johannes Huebl & Olivia Palermo, International Models

"My time at VIVAMAYR has left me feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and most importantly, ready for whatever may come!"

Aja Naomi King, Actress

"The entire staff was phenomenal, knowledgeable, and kind, taking the time to understand our needs. VIVAMAYR will be a staple for us moving forward in life."

Jonathan Perzley & Audrey Esparza, NFL Agent & Actress

"A place filled with warmth & cordiality, where you experience expertise on all levels, for body and mental health! A big Merci!"

Mandy Capristo, German singer and songwriter

"Following the Olympic Games, the VIVAMAYR Cure has been incredibly efficient in regenerating my body and mind."

Malaika Mihambo, Long jump Olympic gold medalist

"That was truly life-changing. A week that will change our view of food and health forever. The positive spirit of the team is the best treatment."

Tom & Katja Junkersdorf, host of the podcast TOMorrow

"The weeks at VIVAMAYR shape our entire year, filled with strength for everything that comes our way."

Heike Makatsch & Trystan Pütter, German actors

"The time at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth was intense and I feel like a new person after a week of regeneration and detox. Thanks to the great…"

Janin Ullmann, Entrepreneur & TV Host

"After 9 days of detox I could definitely feel a difference in my wellbeing. I hope I can come back next year. Thanks to the VIVAMAYR…"

Lynn Schmidt, Fashion Director @instylegermany & Freelance Fashion Stylist & Consultant

"Despite my profession, I've learned at VIVAMAYR the crucial role nutrition plays in our health. Thank you wholeheartedly to the friendly and dedicated team!"

Jan Hartwig, German 3-star chef

"I have rarely recovered as quickly, thoroughly and sustainably as I have at VIVAMAYR. It's the perfect place to reset, recharge and unwind."

Annette Weber, Entrepreneur
Caroline Stanbury - Influencer

"My experience at VIVAMAYR has been exactly what I needed."

Caroline Stanbury, Influencer, UK
Mine Kalpakcioglu - CEO T.I.M.E. PR

"I buy myself the best present by going to VIVAMAYR every year."

Mine Kalpakcıoglu, CEO T.I.M.E. PR, Istanbul
Emma Cannon at Vivamayr

"It is the destination I am always seeking for my mind, health & spirit."

Emma Cannon, London
Nicole Weber at Vivamayr

"For me, VIVAMAYR is a special place with a unique kind of magic that lets me forget the rest of the world."

Nicole Weber, Hamburg


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